Summer's Here

Good Morning!  This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Waking up this morning to the sun shining and the sound of the bird's singing brought a "smile to my heart" that made me just want to say, "Thank You Lord!" and had me singing my shower song this morning (admit it, you sing in the shower too).  An oldie but a goodie.  "Majesty" Majesty / Worship His majesty / Unto Jesus be all glory / Honor and praise / Majesty / Kingdom authority / Flow from His throne / Unto His own / His anthem raise 

With that song in my heart I made my way to the construction site this morning with the windows and sunroof wide open.  Taking in the sight and smell of all the blossoming trees, the crisp fresh air and the ospreys circling overhead was a reminder that I should really be concentrating on my driving.  True, but not the point.  It reminded me that all of this, everything we have, is a blessing from God.  He has given this to us to take care of WITH Him, to enjoy and to share with the rest of His children.  I recall a time walking and talking outside with a friend of mine when he asked me, "How can you believe in God?".  I stopped, put my hand on his shoulder, turned him in a circle and replied, "Look around you.  How can you not?". 

Prayer request for the day: Pray that we may be good stewards of all the God has given us.  Also a special prayer request for Derrick Christian and all the men attending the NYAC Walk to Emmaus program this weekend. 

Prayer quote for the day:  Joy is prayer; joy is strength: joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls. - Mother Teresa

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE - It doesn't look like much from outside the fence, but below grade a lot is happening.  The "hole" has been dug, the corners have been set and foundation work is being done with concrete pouring to begin shortly.  Pastor Tom and George Terry met with the architects and the Seiferts on Tuesday for the updates. Hopefully the foundation work should be done in two weeks.