Sunday Service begins @ 10:00

We are located at:

43960 CR 48 Southold NY 11971 (map)


Everyone is Welcome....

You are welcome here at The Vine Church.  Wherever you are, whoever you are, or however you are – COME AS YOU ARE.  Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. We would love for you to join us in Sunday Worship, so come in and be welcomed at the front door.

The Vine at North Fork UMC is made up from all kinds of people and like Heaven, we are made up of people whose real connection is not our politics, education, social status, marital status or even our musical preferences.  Our sense of belonging together is found in our faith in Jesus Christ. 

We are a group of people, Christians, on a journey of Faith, Hope and Love.  Some of us have been on this journey for many years and some of us are just starting out.  Some of us can say that we are strongly committed in our faith and others of us still have our doubts.  Still many of us have no idea where we stand in our faith, but we know where we can belong.  We are not asking you to drop your guard, leave your doubts at the door and follow along blindly.  We just welcome you to stop, sit down and rest awhile in this special place and perhaps join us on this amazing journey.

Welcome to The Vine at North Fork UMC.  Welcome Home.