Visitor FAQ


Whether you are new to church...

a "seasoned veteran" or Grandma is visiting for the weekend and wants to go to church, you may have questions on what to expect when you spend some time with us on Sunday morning.  The FAQ's below should help you out and if we failed to address a concern of yours, please ask us when you are welcomed at the front door or contact us @ before your visit

Visitor FAQ's

What time is Church?

We are a church 24/7, 365 days a year. Yeah, we know, that's not what you meant.  We gather for worship Sunday mornings @ 10:00

What should I wear?

Clothes.  Seriously, come as you are!  You’ll see everything from casual jeans and flip flops to suits, ties and dresses – wear whatever makes you feel comfortable.

Where can I take my children?

Take them to church, please.  All children are welcome any time and especially on Sunday mornings.  Children remain in the worship service until our “Time with our Youth” message where they then head to Sunday school. They rejoin us for fellowship time after the service.  We do follow the The Vine @ NFUMC policy for safe sanctuaries.  Read more here.

Do you have Nursery Care?

We welcome children of all ages in our worship service, especially crying babies and inquisitive toddlers and they are welcome to remain in the Sanctuary during the service.  But we also recognize that Mom and Dad sometimes don’t feel comfortable or just need a break to enjoy a peaceful worship time.  We understand.  Quite a few of us have been in those shoes and that’s why we put an emphasis on our nursery care.  A familiar face each week makes leaving Mommy and Daddy a little easier, that’s why you will see Ms. Bobbie's smiling face each time as you drop off your child.  Please see an usher at the front door when you arrive for information.

Is your Facility Wheelchair Accessible?

Yes.  Our entire facility is handicap accessible and barrier free.


Have no fear. Just ask any one of our members and they can help guide you to where you would like to go. Or head to the front entrance of the church or to the Sanctuary where you will be met by smiling people wearing Greeter and Usher pins who will be happy to help you in any way possible. Hint: These are also good people to ask if you have any questions about the happenings of The Vine @ NFUMC...... (Or what kind of cookies we have)

What happens after the service?

Each Sunday, after the worship service, we host a brief fellowship time with light snacks, refreshments and some of the best darn coffee this side of the morning.  As our guests, we invite you to join us immediately after the Worship Service in the “Gathering Place” as you leave the sanctuary. Just follow the delicious aromas.  Come say hello and meet different members of our community.