When most of us woke up this morning, we must have been thinking "What's going on here? April Fools Day was yesterday." We were met with a slight snow shower, and were soon to realize that this little squall was going to drop 6" of snow on the ground by noon. As strange as that seemed to be for April, we weren't done yet. The sun came out and the six inches of snow melted and turned into a slushy, gooey mess. Did this dampen our spirits? Did this slow us down? Were we going to postpone the scheduled ground breaking? In the words of a dear friend, "NO WORRIES, GOD'S GOT IT."
38 brave souls gathered at the construction site to pray and dedicate the property with a ground breaking ceremony. Led by Pastor Tom and our District Superintendent Reverend Julia Yim, we entered the property where the front doors are going to be and proceeded to the location of the altar. There Rusty placed a cross in the ground and the dedication service started. Prayers were led by Pastor Tom and Reverend Yim as members came forward and "broke the ground" by shoveling a portion of the soil.
Also in attendance were Fred and John Seifert from Seifert construction, our builders, and David and Dawn Harvey from D&D Harvey, our architects. A prayer was lifted up in their names that the construction process goes smooth and, most of all, accident and incident free.
Rebecca was armed with her camera and took over 400 pictures. (Imagine doing that in the day of film). She is selecting them and editing them tonight so I'll be able to post them tomorrow. Tonight we'll tease you with three.
Prayer request for the day: Pray for Seifert Construction and everyone associated with the construction process. May they be surrounded by a hedge of protection on the site and in their lives. May the process be smooth and accident free.
Prayer quote for the day: God does nothing but by prayer, and everything with it. - John Wesley