Listening Place

I don't know about you, but ever since we broke ground last Monday I have been like a little puppy trying to hold in my excitement.  C'mon!  Let's Go!  But then this little song starts to play in the back of my head.  No, it's not the circus monkey on the unicycle theme song. "In His time, in His time, He makes all things beautiful in His time. Lord please show me everyday, as you're teaching me your way, that you do just what you say. In your time."  plays in my head and I understand that This is His Plan. This is His Church. This is His time and things will move along at His pace, when we are ready for the next step. God's got it.

Pastor Tom mentioned at the ground breaking, "The church is a listening place, we’re slow to speak, slow to anger and quick to listen."  I had a conversation with Pastor Tom on Sunday and he pointed out that this place, this "Listening Place" is also a place for us to listen for God, a place to come to to focus on God.  It seems that too often lately we may find ourselves in a rush or overwhelmed with what we are experiencing in our lives, to actually take time to listen for God's voice.  May this "Listening Place" be where we can come to to stop, rest awhile, and listen.

Prayer request for the day: Stop, Rest and Listen for God.

Prayer quote for the day: The fewer the words, the better the prayer - Martin Luther

A Note of Safety: Construction sites are fraught with dangers!  If you visit the site to pray, PLEASE do not go inside the fenced in area.  Stay outside of the construction area and be mindful of your surroundings and watch out for traffic.

On the construction front, look forward to some activity next week.  We should be receiving a construction trailer on site Tuesday, construction fencing on Wednesday and digging should start soon thereafter.